I finally got my garden planted, and it was a lot of work this year. The ground has always been hard as a rock in my veggie garden, and I usually just dig a hole for each tomato plant and call it good. This year I used the garden fork to dig it and ended up with clumps the size of boulders! I used the hose to soften them and then a small garden claw to break them up....and ended up breaking the claw! Not a good start. After a couple of nights of soaking the soil, I had fairly small clumps. I then added three bags of compost and a bag of peat moss.
I decided on four tomato plants and a few kohlrabis for my sister and me. I would like to get a cherry tomato yet.
In the background of the garden photo, you can see my rhubarb. It died out like it would in the Fall. I only got one picking off of it and have no idea what happened.
My clematis is absolutely beautiful this year. The coralbells and coreopsis are looking good too. This year I transplanted some of both of these to the other side of the clematis so now they'll run the length of the garage. No more $$ spent on annuals for that spot.
I got a red hydrangea from a friend and can't wait for it to bloom. I'm still looking for the perfect spot for it in my flower beds, so for now it's in a large pot.