Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I don't think my rhododendron should be blooming again this year!

Hopefully there are buds left for next spring.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012


This has been a rough year for my flowers...both the garden and the pots.  We're in a severe drought, and even with daily watering, the flowers look sad - almost pathetic! I hated to even post a picture.

If the critters didn't get to the pots, the heat did. The only thing blooming in the garden are the mini hollyhocks. 

And this surprise lilly! 

So far this is the only one. I have some in another spot too, but there aren't any signs of growth yet. This is the first time they've come up since I planted them three years ago. I was about to give up, but my patience paid off.