Sunday, March 17, 2013

Finished Projects

I wanted to complete some UFOs (unfinished objects) this winter. Last week I finished up the 4th one...two flannel baby blankets, a crocheted afghan, and a baby quilt.
I found a quilt store in the area that is a drop off site for Project Linus. They accept all sizes and styles of blankets for children in need. All donations stay local.

One of the other projects on my list is a full size quilt. I've been out shopping for backing twice and just haven't been able to find what I want. But as soon as I do, it's off to the machine quilter.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Time for Spring Flowers?

We have a few inches of snow on the ground, so I hadn't even thought about checking the gardens for the inital sprouts of flowers until I got a gardening newsletter yesterday.
Things are coming up a bit later than in the past two years.
Mar. 12, 2011

Feb. 17, 2012

Mar. 11, 2012
Mar. 8, 2013
 After looking at photos, they're about a month behind 2012. I heard on the news yesterday that a year ago, it was 74 degrees. No wonder things were sprouting in February that year.
Mar. 11, 2012
Mar. 8, 2013
I think it will be a while before the main garden out in the middle of the yard sees much growth. But with the rain we're supposed to get the next couple of days, most of it will melt and things will just take off.