With the start of a new year, here are a few things I'm looking forward to in 2010. I'm hoping by putting these things in writing, it will keep me motivated.
*Increase the size of my garden so I can do more canning. I didn't have room to plant green beans last year.
*Also make my flower garden bigger. I'm hoping Mom will thin hers out this spring/summer, and I'd like to be able to take it off her hands rather than it going in with the yard waste.
*Keep better track of where my money goes each month. I did a pretty good job of this for a couple of months and then the Christmas season arrived and the tracking went by the wayside.
*Continue my workouts at the fitness center.
*Remove the remaining wallpaper in my house. I have one bedroom and two bathrooms left. The main bath will be quite a job as I'd like to get some tile replaced as well. The house projects got put on the back burner over the summer and fall.
*Finish up with my sewing room. A little bit of painting remains and the storage cabinets need to be bought. I'm hoping to purchase them this month when most stores have their organization/storage items on sale.
*Work on some sewing projects. There's one quilt top that needs backing and another quilt that hasn't been started but at least the fabric has been purchased.