Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ice Storm 2010

We had another winter storm yesterday...this time it was ice instead of snow.  It is so strange to lay in bed listening to the rain hit the side of the house and then look out the window to see ice covering everything.

It's not warming up very much today so most everything is still covered in ice.  I haven't lost power at my house, but I know many around the area haven't been as lucky.

I noticed this afternoon that a portion of this hedge has completely fallen over from the weight of snow and ice.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Lion King

Last night I went to The Lion King with Lisa and Mom.  It was absolutely amazing.  The masks and costumes are beyond anything I could have imagined.  And the music...phenomenal.  What a magnificent show!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Walgreens Shopping Trip

I ran to Walgreens today to get a couple of deals.  The shelves in my store aren't usually stocked very well so I decided I better get there early in the week.

Transaction #1
$2.99 Colgate toothpase
- $0.75 coupon
Total out of pocket including tax $2.42 plus I earned $2 RR for my next purchase.

Transaction #2
$10 Bic razors ($5 each)
- $5 from BOGO free coupon
-$3 Walgreens coupon
-$2 RR from transaction #1
Only had to pay $0.60 tax

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Decorations at Church

As I mentioned in my Christmas post, I had wanted to get some pictures of how beautifully the church was decorated.  Mom took her camera with her today and took some for me before they take them down this week.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

With the start of a new year, here are a few things I'm looking forward to in 2010.  I'm hoping by putting these things in writing, it will keep me motivated.

*Increase the size of my garden so I can do more canning.  I didn't have room to plant green beans last year.
*Also make my flower garden bigger.  I'm hoping Mom will thin hers out this spring/summer, and I'd like to be able to take it off her hands rather than it going in with the yard waste.
*Keep better track of where my money goes each month.  I did a pretty good job of this for a couple of months and then the Christmas season arrived and the tracking went by the wayside.
*Continue my workouts at the fitness center. 
*Remove the remaining wallpaper in my house.  I have one bedroom and two bathrooms left.  The main bath will be quite a job as I'd like to get some tile replaced as well.  The house projects got put on the back burner over the summer and fall.
*Finish up with my sewing room.  A little bit of painting remains and the storage cabinets need to be bought.  I'm hoping to purchase them this month when most stores have their organization/storage items on sale.
*Work on some sewing projects.  There's one quilt top that needs backing and another quilt that hasn't been started but at least the fabric has been purchased.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Homemade Christmas Gifts

I crocheted potholders for a couple of Christmas gifts this year but couldn't post about them until now.  I wouldn't have wanted to give away the surprise.  Now it's time to make some for myself but I ran out of yarn on the last one.