Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Final Flowers Before Winter

The last of my mums finally bloomed a few days ago.  It took almost a month for the buds to open.  I was beginning to think a hard freeze would hit before it finally bloomed....if it bloomed at all.  All of my other mums have pretty much lost their color.  And tonight it's going to freeze so it happened just in time.
 Thanks for the birthday present last year, Maria.  It's beautiful!


Elizabeth. said...

Beautiful mums, Lynn! My grandma has some beautiful light pink ones at her home and I had fun photographing them!


Mom said...

That is a very pretty mum, Lynn. Are you going to cover it so it doesn't freeze? Or, maybe it's not so cold in your part of the state?? Could get snow up our way tonight!

Lynn said...

Yes, I covered it. Sounds like I'll need to cover tomorrow night too.