Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Organization Projects

I had a four-day weekend over New Year's and decided to do a little bit of cleaning and organizing.

I have very little drawer space in my kitchen so this big drawer really gets overstuffed at times. All of a sudden everything was just getting dumped in no matter the weight of the item...like the almond bark on top of a second bag of marshmallows. 
I removed everything from the drawer so I could start with a clean slate. 
The heavier items like the almond bark, brown sugar and chocolate chips went on the bottom. I found a box of freezer bags that belonged in a different drawer. The loose packages of Chex Mix and hot chocolate also found a new home. I didn't gain a lot of space, but I can find things again without digging to the bottom.
The linen closet also needed a quick organize. This one wasn't too bad so I didn't take everything out first. I just restacked a sheet set and threw a couple of pillows in the garbage. Not sure why I kept them to begin with. I had gotten new ones for a reason. And those three candles have been removed since I took the picture. This was just a safe place for them until the Christmas decorations were put away and they could be put out again. 
Next on the list was the spice (and more) cabinet. This one also wasn't too bad, but the middle shelf just wasn't working for me. I have several turntables around the house so I ran to Target and picked up one more.
Once again I took everything out and wiped down the shelves. I found a couple spice duplicates so I combined them into one. I filled all the salt and pepper shakers so the bigger bottles could go in the way back.
Since I'm not very tall, I can just barely reach the things in the front on the top shelf without standing on a chair. I put the things in the back that I only use once or twice a year like the parafin, canning salt, and food coloring.
I love newly organized spaces!
I did a couple more areas and will post about those later.

1 comment:

OurForeverHouse said...

Awesome Lynn. I need to redo my spice cabinet too. It is on the long list of projects!